Knitted   30x 30x 33’’
   The White House   50x 48x 88’’
   A Visit   49x 30x 58’’
   Ritual   35x 35x 45’’
   Siamesed   29x 95x 35’’
   Attachment 8x 6.5x 12''   25x 25x 38’’
   Why   42x 42x 49’’
   I Took Off My Skin   50x 25x 37’’
   Dying   20x 24x 75’’
   The Real We   31x 27x 39’’
   Madonna & Child   40x 40x 28’’
  Kids Pizza  30x 25x 25’’
   Will My Coffee Slip Away?   27x 16x 33’’
   My Shadow   29x 33x 46’’
   My Mirror Came Out for a Visit   48x 48x 64’’
   Why Am I Sinking   30x 17x 24’’
   Out There Somewhere   37x 25x 33’’
   My Upside Down Grave   27x 27x 47’’
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